“There are only two genders. LOL no.”

I recently saw a social media post that stated the above, presumably referring to President Trump’s executive order stating that the federal government will only recognize two genders.

To me, this post demonstrates the hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy of trans / LGBTQ activists. To use the words “LOL no” when discussing a political, ideological, or moral issue is to treat the entire issue as a big joke. After all, “LOL” literally means “laughing out loud” or “lots of laughs.” Anyone who would make a post like this is not suffering, not upset, not hurt, not angered or sad or outraged. They’re laughing. They’re having a perfectly good time. They’re joking around. A person who was actually being harmed by a policy – a person who was actually being oppressed and whose rights were actually being violated – wouldn’t be treating it this way.

Additionally, the use of the words “LOL no” demonstrates a sense of contempt for those who think differently. The person who made this post is literally laughing at Trump’s executive order. They are treating an executive order that they disagree with as something to ridicule, something to laugh at, something to make fun of. This person’s response to an (allegedly) objectionable policy is not hurt, anger, or sadness. It’s contempt and ridicule. And that speaks volumes. Responding to others’ ideas with the words “LOL no” means that you consider yourself superior to other people. It is a way of expressing that those who think differently from you are beneath you. 

Trans / LGBTQ activists claim to be oppressed, when the fact that they make posts like this demonstrates that they are not. A person who was actually being harmed by Trump’s executive order would not be treating the order as something to ridicule, something to laugh at, something to make fun of. They would be expressing anger and pain, not laughter. Trans / LGBTQ activists claim to be motivated by the ideals of inclusion and equal treatment, when in reality they are motivated by a sense of superiority and looking down on others. A person advocating for equality would not make posts expressing contempt for those who are different from themselves. Devotees of progressive ideology frequently call Trump a bully, and claim themselves to be standing up for those who are excluded and marginalized, but posts like this demonstrate that they are the true bullies.